Friday, 27 February 2009

Is your website working?

Recently we have had a number of calls from people who are not getting any visitors to their website.
One such call that sticks in my mind was from a woman that spent a lot of money on her new website, she complained to the company that designed it and got no help from them.
Having clicked on her website I could see first problem right away, mind you I could not believe what I was seeing. The title of the page was named home, this was only the start look a little more into the site to discover every page title was home.

There was other reasons why the website was not getting found too, took about hour to fix, just could not believe a website design company would make that mistake.

Website looked good but not designed to get found, as the old saying goes looks are not everything, in this case they were nothing as no one could find it.

Wonder how many other websites are sitting out there in cyber space doing nothing?


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